Partner with Niches Gid Media PTE. LTD.

Expand your services and deliver data projects to your clients more effectively. Recommend, refer, or resell Niches Gid Media PTE. LTD. to others and earn recurring commission from each sale.
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Referral partners

Mention our products in your client meeting, blog, social media, email newsletter, or webinar, and use your referral link. We track all purchases that originate from your link and you get up to 20% recurring commission from each sale.

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Technology partners

Want to suggest a potential integration or other technology-based collaboration with us? Contact us about tech partnerships through the form below and we’ll let you know how we can work together.

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Why partner with us

Help your clients and other prospects take their data to the next level and grow your own business by establishing an additional source of revenue.

Help your clients succeed

Complement your own services by offering Niches Gid Media PTE. LTD. to your clients and other prospects. By referring Niches Gid Media PTE. LTD. to others, you set them up to succeed by automating their data reporting. You can deliver marketing data projects to them more effectively, saving both time and money.

Grow revenue for your business

All partners earn recurring referral commissions. And our subscription-based pricing model allows multiple commissions from a single referral when the referred clients renew their license. Implementation partners also benefit from additional billable professional service hours.

Get education and training

We help our partners succeed. A dedicated partner manager is prepared to help you. And you get access to guides and marketing materials such as banners, text ads, and videos that you can use in your promotion. We also provide product training and co-selling support for resellers.

I could send some traffic towards Niches Gid Media PTE. LTD. and also then benefit from the affiliate commissions. So, it just made sense. And for me, it was perfect because I knew Niches Gid Media PTE. LTD. is this great tool in the reporting and analytics space. And so I was really happy to recommend it to people as a way to solve the problem of getting their data into Google Sheets.
Ben Collins Profile Picture

Ben Collins

Educator at

Ben Collins

Have any questions?

You can reach out to us by email: [email protected]. Or book a quick introduction call with a partner manager.

Turn your marketing data into opportunity

We streamline your marketing data so you can focus on the insights.

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